
GitHub 镜像到 Gitee

$ ssh-keygen
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/yangxijie/.ssh/id_rsa): key
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in key
Your public key has been saved in key.pub
  1. Gitee > Settings > Security Settings > SSH Keys > Add key > Title: GitHub Mirror & Key: key.pub
  2. Gitee > Settings > Security Settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token > Token Description: GitHub Mirror > copy
  3. GitHub > Project > Settings > Security > Secrets > Actions / New secret > Name: Gitee Mirror & Value: key
  4. GitHub > Project > Settings > Security > Secrets > Actions / New secret > Name: Gitee Access & Value: paste


    branchs: main  
    # every UTC 17:00 -> CST (China) 1:00
    - cron: '0 17 * * *'
name: mirror Github repos to Gitee
    name: Sync-GitHub-to-Gitee
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: get repository list exclude private and fork
      id: repo
      uses: yi-Xu-0100/repo-list-generator@v1.0.1
    - name: mirror Github repos to Gitee
      uses: Yikun/hub-mirror-action@master
        src: github/Yang-Xijie # change to your name
        dst: gitee/yang-xijie # change to your name
        dst_key: ${{ secrets.GITEE_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        dst_token: ${{ secrets.GITEE_TOKEN }}
        force_update: true
        account_type: user
        debug: true

60 days

You might receive an email like this after 60 days:

[GitHub] The "mirror Github repos to Gitee" workflow in Yang-Xijie/Gitee-Mirror will be disabled soon

GitHub Actions scheduled workflow

Scheduled workflows are disabled automatically after 60 days of repository inactivity.

You can prevent mirror Github repos to Gitee from being disabled on the workflows page.

Just update your repo to reactive the sync action.
